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Saturday, May 21, 2011

The 3rd Annual Robber Barons Ball ~2nd Annual Jail and ............. Tonight ~

Just guessing we all shall Still

be around on the planet ..

as we know it ..

  Join us Won't you ...

The Robber Barons:

the great American capitalists

like them or not They Built One Hell of a Nation !!!! 
Ponders .... Why are there Rockets all Around The Landing ???
A Broken Watch ..  Trees Burning Cash ???
It must mean One Thing ....

New Babbage
Piermont Landing
Proudly Presents
The 3rd Annual Robbers Baron Ball
But Wait There is More .........................
Have YOU seen This Man ???
Well ....

Piermont Landing Presents
The 2nd Annual
Jail and .........

Who will help keep the Evil Doctor Obolensky Jailed
Who will help Bail Out the Good Duchess Gabrielle Riel
How could this happen ?
Why are they there ?
How much can they raise ?
What could possibly go wrong ?
Join Us to find out these answers and More ...

* A joint benefit effort for Relay for Life
Team New Babbage and Team Aether Chrononauts

Don't Miss this fun , entertaining Unforgettable Steam Nation Event
with all proceeds going to Relay For Life of Second Life 2011

  $LooT$ Build Contest ..
27 prims
Show Us What Ya Got ..
Cash Lindens Prizes and Ribbons
all entrees due on Landing by 7pm SLT 
May 21st  Saturday ..
1st Prize...............$1500 lindens
2nd Prize....................$1000 lindens
3rdPrize.................$500 lindens

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