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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Canadian Wedding Reception Custom

I learned something over the weekend at a wedding, an Irish-American bride was married to a French-Canadian husband. While weddings are very much like Canada, who are here in America, there are very different wedding traditions of French Canada, which occur to the north of us. I understood it when I saw on the floor of the elder sister of the groom dress, hiking and dancing with the ugliest socks ever seen! In view of a pair of socks decorated with rainbow springs and sparkles woven entirely separate fingers, it made me do a little research for the wedding of our northern neighbors.

Canadian marriage customs are warm, friendly, along with friends and family, despite the sometimes cold north. As Canada is a country of immigrants from the nature of the error in English and French wedding traditions from the traditions of many cultures it is customary. In most cases, a lot of French Canadian wedding is very similar to what you see in the United States. There are a few differences.
 Canadian Wedding Reception Custom

Canadian Wedding Reception Custom

Canadian Wedding Reception Custom

Canadian Wedding Reception Custom

Canadian Wedding Reception Custom

Canadian Wedding Reception Custom

In Quebec, where the main spoken language is French, for the ceremony, the groom is no way to see the bride until I went to the altar. It is common, but are true for the groom and his friends and family of the bride at her home on the big day. The new couple drives the ceremony with the parents of the bride. A large procession of cars, as seen in the United States at the funeral to move designed to come together on the wedding ceremony. Line cars are quiet and reserved, but. The parade, like a journey through the city, people honk horns in their cars and shout greetings from people in the city. After a hard, meet the team married in the Church.

At the reception, we see the introduction and toast before a nice dinner. After everyone eats, dancing begins. Is a French-Canadian tradition, that this weekend, which saw very new to me. It was about an unmarried brothers and sisters of the bride and groom.

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