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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Uncaged Monkeys Review

Well what can I really say... I am still having trouble taking in what I saw last night, to be honest I don't really know!

It was a great night lots of laughs and lots of intelligent conversation - that might have gone over my head if I am honest!  So we arrived at Hammersmith Apollo at 7.30 pm, after a nightmare on the tubes and issues finding some water from the corner shop.

We sat in our seats rather far back, but we still had a good view and the place was packed!

The show contained talks, comedy and music...hosted by Robin Ince

Robin Ince, co-presenter of BBC Radio 4s Infinite Monkey Cage and creator of the sell out smash Nine Lessons and Carols for Godless People will be introducing great minds of science including:

Professor Brian Cox, the other presenter of Infinite Monkey Cage, is also writer and presenter of Wonders of The Solar System and soon to be aired Wonders of the Universe.

Dr Ben Goldacre, author of Bad Science and slayer of bamboozlers.

Simon Singh, author of the best-selling and award winning Fermats Last Theorem, as well as Big Bang and Trick Or Treatment.

Helen Arney - bringing musicality to all nights
Dara O Briain
Alan Moore
Dr Simon Jones
Possibly more that I can't remember...

By half time at 9.30 pm I was ready to go, my brain hurt and I was hungry, this lead to a small 'fall out' between H2B and me.  I was going on about wanting a KFC for dinner, and I wanted it bad - he asked would eat meat in front of him when he's a week day veggie, I was shocked he'd even ask!?  (I would, I'm certainly not giving up meat, just because he wants to).

This lead to him getting annoyed and me REALLY not understand what his problem was!!

The second half of the show finishd at 11 pm : O  The best part of the night was Dara O Briain... the rest maybe a little to much for me.

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