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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Phoenix 101 Classes

So Breezy headed to the Main land ((in her New Babbage Tartan of course *grins*))
for Phoenix 101 Class ..
yes yes we are all going to have to learn V2 sooner or later .. but till then
((about three more months ))
The class was helpful, informative and to be honest, Breezy highly recommends it to all :)
Even if you may be a pro there were just useful .. "Oh I did not know that tools " shared with all
Phoenix 101 Classes
In our ongoing efforts to help and improve the user experience, we are starting educational "Phoenix 101" classes for our users on the Phoenix Viewer. The first set of classes will be covering our extensive preference options and explain what they all do. The classes will run from 1-1.5 hours long and done in voice.
The initial classes will be on the following dates.
Tuesday Jan 4 2011 @ 1 PM SLT
Thursday Jan 6 2011 @ 8AM SLT
Saturday Jan 8 2011 @ 6PM SLT.
location below
There were over 60 avis there .. and the information was done in voice
by Ed Merryman and Jessica Lyon
Classes will be held at:
Hosted by our very own Ed Merryman, Support Lead.
Once we get through the first set of classes we will be able to better modify our format, curriculum and demand needs. We will then announce regular on going classes of different subjects here on this blog.
Breezy sat quietly and paid attention .. her favorite new tool learned
Avi x y z ... grins :)
Thursday Jan 6 2011 @ 8AM SLT
Saturday Jan 8 2011 @ 6PM SLT.
Jessica is modest charming and lovely and full of useful helpful information for all !!
useful links !!
Breezy quietly celebrated all by herself when she got home
1) she had attended an informative class
2) learned how to line up her textures and felt much better about her Phoenix viewer
3) got her wind light settings and shadows in order .. :)
and a peek into the future of what is to be coming down the Pike :)
Highly recommends this class to all :)
two more chances to attend ...
Thursday Jan 6 2011 @ 8AM SLT
Saturday Jan 8 2011 @ 6PM SLT.


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